My third, and probably shortest Fantasy. According to the file, I finished it in April 7th 2018 and recorded on a Piano in April 2nd 2022.
Although it’s a Piano recording, the original was written for Lute. There are several errors in the tablatures such as bar 6 and bar 16, in bar 6 for example a note is clearly missing from the tablature. In the recording itself there’s also an error where the sol (g) in bar 18 is shorter compared to notation.
I’ve also encountered several problems while recording, and the Piano sounds a bit dry, that’s because I only had one microphone and a very bad one, apologies on that. I already ordered a new microphone.
Finally, you can see I’ve changed the background of the video from the cloud to underwater, that’s because my FCPX, for some reason, does not show me the Cloud background anymore 🙁 in fact, I had to use iMovie for this one because FCPX doesn’t show me any backgrounds. I’m hope you’ll like it anyway!