Weekly therapy, two and a half hours of pure relaxation. This item is NOT for sale, it’s a gift for my nephew.
Don’t forget you can order your own custom engraving from the store
Weekly therapy, two and a half hours of pure relaxation. This item is NOT for sale, it’s a gift for my nephew.
Don’t forget you can order your own custom engraving from the store
After a month of testing and tweaking, the store if officially open and you can order your own engraving now. There are several ready engravings waiting for costumers and you can order your own custom engraving without extra fee.
But it’s not over yet, soon you will be able to order your own musical piece and music lessons (guitar, bass or lute) directly from the store.
Get your 15% off now by using JD2HKSKK coupon code during checkout from today until 31-01-2023!
I have decided to remove the donation page, if you wish to support me, please purchase something from the store. It will give me greater joy to give you something back for your support.
If you want a custom engraving, send me an email and we can make it work.
Thank You.
I found this arrangement by Nicola Mandorino few years ago, it’s pretty simple but it made this piece perfect on guitar. I’m sure there are other arrangements, and I can probably write my own, but there’s no reason. If you’re looking to play this piece, look for this specific one. Unless, of course, you’re looking for something more specific.
Now, I’m really sorry about the low volume, I haven’t noticed it only after I uploaded. This is still with the old gear but, no longer in the bedroom 🙂
So have fun, leave a comment, subscribe, and all these good stuff. More music is coming, a lot more! Also, if you’re looking for this arrangement and can’t find it, just send me a message and I’ll help you.
You can see the Beethoven in the background? You can buy it in my store!
Ok, so the first thing you can see, I’m out of the bedroom, there’s actually one more video recorded in the bedroom, it was actually recorded before this one but will be released only in September when I come back from my vacation.
Second, you can hear the poor sound, it’s due to the poor conditions I have, since I recorded this, already made more improvements. The final improvements will be when I’ll get the new microphones, so getting better with what I have is also good.
Finally, about the Minuet itself, there’s nothing much to say, its very simple and happy one. I had fun writing it in major after the minor one and they can be played together.
Enjoy and please
Support my Headstart: https://headstart.co.il/project/68673
You are more than welcome to donate me any amount you wish, I accept donation using
Bitcoin: bc1qz6y9r40nucqrswt0cgqf6uxt0tpuxghvrqp2rs
Dogecoin: D8o5u49u9gufjkAhss2YFGCU6GAkNYQJAC
PayPal: [email protected]
Weekly therapy and it was goooood! Not only the result, but the process itself. Took me about two hours. Also, it’s not a pledge option for the Headstart project, why? Because I think there are enough options for now. If you want your own Bowie, you can still support the project by selecting the right option and ask for David Bowie.
Support my Headstart:
You are more than welcome to donate me any amount you wish, I accept donation using
Bitcoin: bc1qz6y9r40nucqrswt0cgqf6uxt0tpuxghvrqp2rs
Dogecoin: D8o5u49u9gufjkAhss2YFGCU6GAkNYQJAC
PayPal: [email protected]
Another small and fun little toy, as you can see, still recording using the builtin microphone. But the cables are here, everything is almost working perfectly, there are still few more little things to fix, so stay tuned.
Please remember to support my Headstart:
You are more than welcome to donate me any amount you wish, I accept donation using
Bitcoin: bc1qz6y9r40nucqrswt0cgqf6uxt0tpuxghvrqp2rs
Dogecoin: D8o5u49u9gufjkAhss2YFGCU6GAkNYQJAC
PayPal: [email protected]
Created during my weekly therapy and added to the project as an option for 100 NIS.
Please support my Headstart: https://headstart.co.il/project/68673
A sweet sweet waltz, still recording using my laptop microphone and every movement counts. But, things are getting better, I got the new cables I’ve ordered and they are working almost perfectly.
I’ve also started to work on new music for guitar and I really hope to start recording with my lutes soon.
Enjoy the music. And don’t forget to Support my Headstart: https://headstart.co.il/project/68673
You are more than welcome to donate me any amount you wish, I accept donation using
Bitcoin: bc1qz6y9r40nucqrswt0cgqf6uxt0tpuxghvrqp2rs
Dogecoin: D8o5u49u9gufjkAhss2YFGCU6GAkNYQJAC
PayPal: thesilenttroubadour@icloud.com
Created during my weekly therapy and added to the project as an option for 100 NIS.
Please support my Headstart: https://headstart.co.il/project/68673