Wilson’s Wild / Anonymous
StandardRenaissance Berries is now on streaming
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C’est mon amy / Anonymous
StandardFantasia No 31 / Francesco Canova da Milano
StandardRenaissance Berries now available for purchase at
Recerccar No. 4 / Francesco Canova da Milano
StandardAnother sweet one for you all, again, I prefer it slow.
Renaissance Berries coming soon!
Coming Soon: Renaissance Berries
StandardAfter all the hard work, I’m proud to announce Renaissance Berries. I am releasing it online only and will be available via YouTube Music, Spotify, Apple Music and other streaming services. You will also have the option to buy directly from me using my store.
Purchasing directly from me will give you access to high quality MP3 or M4A files (or both, up to you) for your usage with you preferred player starting June 1st (date may change)
As for the tracks, there are 30 beautiful pieces from the Renaissance such as 27 Cutting’s Comfort ( Frencis Cutting), Packington’s Pound (Anon), Fantasies by Francesco Canova da Milano and more. I really enjoyed working on this project, I learned a lot and it gave me the drive to do more. So yes, more is coming in the future!
So, stay tuned, follow me on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok and Instagram.
Omer Katzir
The Silent Troubadour
Fantasia No.40 – Francesco Canova da Milano
StandardAnother fabulous fantasy by the maestro Francesco da Milano. Again, I like to play it slowly and feel instead of just running like crazy with the notes, when you read it you feel how gentle it is.
It’s over, It’s done!
StandardNo, I’m not closing the website, nor my musical or any other activities. But I’m finished, after almost a year of hard work, hours on hours, attempts, mishaps and more recording. Yes, I finally finished all the recordings.
The recording process itself might seem to be easy for some, but it isn’t. A lot of focus is required for each and every attempt, there’s positioning and a lot of technical stuff, with all that, I also had to maintain my mental health, which was not that great some days and some days it was super hard. There’s also physical health, which is getting better is some aspects.
Back to the recording, I used Logic Pro X with two sE8 microphones with Scarlett 2i2. It’s not the best setup in the world. My 7 course lute is string with nylgut strings from Aquila and refretted with gut frets, as I live in Israel, using gut strings is not the best option, although I’de really like to.
But the work isn’t over, now I need to send all the recordings for mastering and finishing touches. YouTube aside, I really want to make this an album, I really think we more people should be exposed to Renaissance music.
I also want to thank my family and friends for supporting and helping me in during this time, mainly my parents, brother, sister and my best friend, Amiel. My social worker and others who assisted me.
Finally, please follow me on the website and other channels. I’m on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and Twitter.
Thank You,
Omer Katzir, a.k.a. “The Silent Troubadour”
Recercare 4 / Marco d’Aquila
StandardA very beautiful recercare, one might play it faster, I’m still thinking about it, I prefer to hear and feel the polyphony.