Lets summarize 2022


So, 2022, how to I summarize you? Well, it was tough like 2021, I certainly had less issues and I increasing from my support circles, family, social worker, aid worker, psychiatrist and even got more aid to start a small business. So it wasn’t that bad, there were (and always will be) low points, but with all the help I’m getting, they are getting less in frequency and depth.

First, and perhaps one of the major points was my psychiatric treatment, I take much less drugs these days, and was (and still am) in the process of lowering doses of pretty much all of them. Some are only lower dose, some I’m taking off entirely. I couldn’t do it without the support I’m getting and I thank them every single visit.

In May I told my social worker that I want to teach again, but unlike before, I want to do it the right way, for that I needed help of an organization which aims to help handicapped in the process. I had to wait two months for approval from the Ministry of Health, but I got it. Late August I started to work and continue to do it until everything is in place, I pretty much only need students and to become official small business.

In June I started a Headstart project to raise funds and record a Renaissance music album with 30 pieces for Lute. The project failed, I didn’t managed to raise the required amount, but it didn’t stopped me. I purchased recording equipment so I can start, I’m starting to record tomorrow. Yes, it’s not the best of the best but it’s a start. When I’ll finish the recording I’ll have to send it all to audio professional to fix and tweak and do all the audio magic.

I also stopped smoking, no more cigarets, vape and tobacco. I had some falls, but I still manage. Anyone with this addiction knows how hard it is, how much money is wasted on it. So again, I want to thank all my support circles for helping me. I couldn’t do it without them. I also want to wish good luck to everyone else who tries that, I have no secret, or special way, I just stopped.

The year ended on the high note with me managing to purchase few items I wanted, I can’t tell you what, but these were gift for myself to myself for everything I managed to do in the past three years. Related to these items, I also finished creating my lessons plan, and I’m now ready to accept new students for guitar and bass. In the process I also canceled unused credit card.

So what’s next? As I said, tomorrow, 1.1.2023 I’m starting the recording process, it will take me few months, I guess I’ll finish that part in May as I’m not in a hurry. After that, I’ll send it to audio magician. I also want to keep working on my mental and physical health and finally, to teach again, I have room for 15 students and I’de really like to get at least third of that on the first year.

Wishing you all the best in 2023. Thank you for following and reading. And if you can, share and subscribe to the website, YouTube, Instagram or TikTok.

P.S. I want to give a huge thank you to my friends Amiel and Oren Kaplan and you should check their daughters Instagram channel

Engravings from 2022


Well, 2022 is coming to an end, so I created this nice little slideshow with all the engravings I’ve made in 2022. OK, not all of these were created at 2022, and some are missing, but we only learn and next year we’ll have all 52.

Most engraving can be purchased at https://omerkatzir.net and you can choose your own, if you need help, contact me.

Music: Clear Day by Benjamin Tissot

Paven 5 / Anonymous


A nice little Pavan. Now, I know the title says Paven and it should be Pavan or Pavane. However, I checked my papers and it does says Paven on the title, so I guess the title is in the original title too.

I also had to compress the video (using handbreak) and it seems a bit strange compared to the original, but not being a video guy, I have no idea what the reason is. The most important is the dance itself.

Lute by James Marriage (2006) after Hans Frei

Fantasia No 41 / Francesco Canova da Milano


This is a beautiful, beautiful fantasy and one of the first pieces I learned in the days before time. There’s so much to love in this small piece, there’s the start, the voices, the suspensions and of course, the final cadence which concludes it all in a very simple and elegant way. This one is a timeless and I hope you all agree with me. Lute by James Marriage (2006) after Hans Frei.

As always, please leave you comments below, I know about the bright light, that one you can ignore. I am working on a ways (not in software) to improve it and the video recording as a whole, it’s a mission and I’m not planning on upgrading my video equipment.

Also a reminder, please visit my store, I’m offering new engravings every week and you can request a custom one.

Recercar #76 / Franciscus Bossinensis


It’s a nice, little Recercar. And, there’s nothing much more to say about it. Well, it’s the first piece by Bossinensis I’ve played and the first I recorded, not sure how I feel about him yet, will play more pieces from him in time.

Also, I’ve decided to move for a two week publishing schedule, I want to focus more on my project and less on videos. So click the follow button, and you can also follow me on Twitter, FaceBook and Instagram.
